Wednesday 2 December 2009


I'd like to share one of my latest experiences trying to puchase one online product from internet. Actually, it was few days ago, when I wanted to purchase a mass e-mail campaign  service from through one of the leading affiliate websites. I decided to choose them after watching its video explanation on their website. They give a very good offer with over 81 millions email database worldwide in a very reasonable price just only one life-time payment. So, meaning we can use the service as many as we wish 'forever' and this statement really made me feel like buying it soon.

Learn from many bad experiences in the past and some additional information from some trusted sources and internet forums, I always look for some details before deciding to purchase an online product. I was very surprised when many threads in the forum clearly stated a bad/negative comment on the product which I wanted to buy. I was very lucky not to waste my little money on that product  :)

Although I realized somehow this is not a real experience happened to me, but having know some valuable information shared by other internet users can be taken into consideration before we have to make a decision, especially when it deals with 'money' - I believe 'money' is not something that can be easily to earn, we need to work and put some attempts to earn money. This is why sometimes I'd rather to believe comments made by other people to support my decision. And I strongly advise other readers and internet users to do a little check on Mr. Google or other search engines to double check what you, do you get my point? :)

If you guys are curious to know happened and willing to read some comments from other internet users about this, I provide you these links below, please check them out by yourself :)

Digg Google Bookmarks reddit Mixx StumbleUpon Technorati Yahoo! Buzz DesignFloat Delicious BlinkList Furl


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